
Teyona Gorham, MPH
The Little Black Bag Inc. Founder
Teyona Gorham is a native North Carolinian and graduate of North Carolina Central University with a Bachelors of Science in Public Health Education. Followed by a Masters in Health Science with a focus in Public Health from Touro University, along with a Teaching degree from Appalachian State University. During her undergraduate studies she completed intricate research regarding various women’s health issues, as a result she developed a love for advocating and being a part of the solutions for pressing women’s health issues.
As a natural advocate and leader, Teyona created The Little Black Bag to help combat the issue of period poverty. Her love for women’s health, personal experience, and compassionate heart are all the driving force to continuously help those in need. Teyona’s role as an educator also allows her to reach a greater population and provide menstrual hygiene products to those in various school settings. Her connections with community members, business owners, and other organizations allow the mission of The Little Black Bag to be achieved.
While The Little Black Bag is making strides since its establishment in 2017, Teyona is still very passionate about expanding the vision of the organization in order to reach a larger population within North Carolina, as well as those in need in other states.
“ I aim to be a part of the solution regarding issues within the community, especially those issues that impact people like myself. In addition to helping others, educating and uplifting those who I encounter and serve in the community is equally important and a part of the solution for change.“ -Teyona
Board Members

Shonta Arrington, MAT
Shonta is a North Carolina native and resident of the Raleigh, NC community. Holding a Bachelor's in Sociology and a minor in Women and Gender Studies, along with a Master's in Teaching, she has an educational background and a devotion to women's empowerment. Shonta brings eight years of experience as an educator and a history of community service with organizations such as Habitat for Humanity. As a board member of The Little Black Bag, she is eager to utilize her expertise to advance the organization's mission of providing essential menstrual health products to North Carolina individuals in need.
The noble mission of The Little Black Bag and the organization's dedication to the health and wellness of women and girls resonates deeply with Shonta’s values. As a devoted teacher, mother, and advocate, she is honored to bring her skills, experiences, background in education, and advocacy for women's issues to contribute meaningfully to the board of The Little Black Bag. Shonta is determined to enhance the Raleigh community and surrounding areas by being a part of the formation of building and maintaining strategic partnerships and implementing educational initiatives.
"With a passion for addressing the unique challenges women and female adolescents face, I aim to contribute to a more inclusive and supportive environment. Together with The Little Black Bag team, we can make a lasting impact, fostering a community where every woman has the resources for a healthy and empowered life." -Shonta

Jussica Haynes, MPA
Jussica is an experienced health educator and is passionate about preconception health, interconception health, and sexuality education. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Public Health from East Carolina University and Master of Public Administration from North Carolina Central University.
Currently, she is serving as the Perinatal & Lactation Education Coordinator for Improving Community Outcomes for Maternal and Child Health (ICO4MCH) at Mecklenburg County Public Health. She works collaboratively with community organizations in Charlotte, NC and Union County to promote the optimal health of people of childbearing age and to support normalizing breastfeeding in the community. She is passionate about the advancement of women’s health as she is involved in the solution of many issues faced by communities of women.
"My aim is to address barriers and intersectional inequalities faced by Black and Native communities to improve health outcomes."-Jussica
The Little Black Bag is dedicated to providing resources needed by those impacted by period poverty. Our mission is to bring awareness and provide education about period poverty, while offering menstrual hygiene resources and words of encouragement to those in need.
To inform and bring awareness about period poverty, educate communities about menstrual health hygiene, provide menstrual hygiene products to individuals and families in need, and positivity impact the lives of others.
Advocate for women’s health and wellness and individuals impacted by period poverty.
Provide menstrual health resources and education about menstrual hygiene sanitation and health.
Engage in community outreach and programs to promote menstrual health wellness.
About The Little Black Bag Inc.
The Little Black Bag Inc. was established in 2017 with the mission of providing menstrual hygiene products to individuals in need. Since then, The Little Black Bag has become a 501(c)(3) organization, expanded its target population to reach various counties, rural and urban, throughout North Carolina, formed meaningful partnerships with several organizations including: businesses, schools, colleges and universities, churches, and other community focused organizations.
The purpose that drives the mission of The Little Black Bag is to combat period poverty and bring awareness about the challenges of those who experience period poverty, and the awareness of period tax.
Period poverty is described as social, economical, cultural, and political barriers to proper menstrual hygiene education, resources, or sanitation. Specifically these things include: menstrual hygiene pads/tampons/cleansing items, education about proper menstrual hygiene, hygiene facilities, waste management, or a combination of all.
Globally, period poverty impacts about 500 million individuals.
In America, about 20 million women live below the poverty line, additionally, about two thirds of women with lower incomes were reported to have experienced period poverty.
Period tax is a tax that is calculated for non-essential items. In 22 states, menstrual hygiene products are seen as non-essential and the pricing includes period tax.
Due to the menstrual health barriers faced by many individuals, The Little Black Bag is dedicated to its mission of providing menstrual health resources to combat period poverty, bringing awareness about period poverty and period tax in hope to demolish the usage of period tax, and uplifting and inspiring a community of people.
Little Black Bags include:
Tampons or Pads
Panty Liners
Feminine Wipes*
Information card about LBB organization
Words of encouragement
Feminine Products are …
100% organic cotton*
Free of pesticides, rayon, fragrances, deodorants, and dyes.*
* for select bags
While most bags come with organic products; products that are donated to the organization may not be organic.